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According to the Associated Press, Al Gore's son 24, was arrested on police suspicion of possessing both recreational marijuana and prescription medication. After he was pulled over for speeding in his car, police arrested him.

An additional variation of Marijuana is Hashish, or hash, & is created by taking the resin from the leaves flowers of the marijuana herb pressing on it into slabs or brownies.

This might be the best advantage of marijuana during chemotherapy. You will need to be taking in enough calories for your body to fight the cancer to do its normal functions, and to perpetually heal itself out of the side effects of the chemotherapy. Unless you can find a way to hold food down, it's a domino effect that is downhill. Marijuana stipulates that way.

It has been widely circulated that throughout his term, Andrew Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury (1921-1932) wanted to help the Hearsts and Duponts keep the oil flowing.

Lots of the reports I've read state that"her fans are in shock" or"the world is in shock" in her loss. I am not. Eventually alcohol and drug abuse catches up to the abuser however successful they are. In this time of"recreational marijuana," many folks say it is benign and"what I do is my own business." Whitney left behind children that are friends who will regret they hadn't done more, motherless, and fans that will miss her. What impact does her alcohol and drug abuse for the last ten years have on her children? my response When entertainers are glorified for their partying lifestyles, what effect does that have on impressionable children who hope to someday be like Whitney Houston?

The next step for Bob is starting a Tour to educate seniors. His approach has seen some positive effect. After speaking in Florida, state Rep. Jeff Clemens recently introduced a resolution to legalize medical marijuana. Bob's perspective and story after he served in a cell for bud together with his sense of humor that is an inspiration moves many.

THC prohibited by Federal law and is a Schedule I drug! It is NOT (as he claims) a Schedule III drug. Have a look; once there, scroll down to find: Tetrahydrocannabinols 7370 N THC, Delta-8 THC, Delta-9 THC and many others. After levels of drugs that are scheduled are under that!

Maybe it is clear why'Octomom' Nadya Suleman has been a little out of it. It is the medical marijuana card. They hand out those things like business cards cause marijuana cures just. Do you think using the marijuana when they are in her care, she is endangering her kids? Sound off in comments below.

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